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302 Found


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302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


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302 Found


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302 Found


The document has moved here.

Orange Romania 302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Ooooops, nu am găsit pagina pe care o cauți

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302 Found


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302 Found


The document has moved here.

Orange Romania 302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Ooooops, nu am găsit pagina pe care o cauți

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302 Found


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302 Found


The document has moved here.

Orange Romania 302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Ooooops, nu am găsit pagina pe care o cauți

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302 Found


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302 Found


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Arhiva telefoane & hardware

De ce nu mai functioneaza Yahoo Messenger?

Salut. Atat timp cat in browser poti sa navighezi fara probleme inseamna ca serviciul de date este functional si iti recomand sa reinstalezi aplicatia de Yahoo...
Intrebare din: 08-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Ce SAR are Orange Stockholm?

Valoarea SAR in cazul acestui telefon este 1.08 W/Kg
Intrebare din: 07-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Cum fac update la un Galaxy S de la Android 2.2 la Android 2.3 ?

Deocamdata nu este disponibil pentru Romania acest update. Vezi aceste raspunsuri
Intrebare din: 04-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Se poate decoda in service-ul Orange un telefon Nokia 2730 codat in alta retea ?

In service-ul Orange se pot decoda contracost doar telefoanele achizitionate din reteaua Orange Romania.
Intrebare din: 03-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Cum dezactivez info celula?

Daca te referi la activarea/dezactivarea localizarii sau a functiei GPS, trebuie sa stii ca aceasta o gasesti in Settings >> Location & security >...
Intrebare din: 03-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Cum dezactivez bararea apelurilor internationale ?

pentru a putea apela international trebuie sa iti activezi serviciul de apelare internationala. Acest lucru il poti face prin apel la meniul selfcare *100# sau...
Intrebare din: 02-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Bateria telefonului Motorola Defy trebuie formatata ?

Instructiuni complete despre modul de incarcare al bateriei regasesti in manualul telefonului. In general la bateriile de generatie noua nu este necesara o ...
Intrebare din: 01-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Cand va fi disponibil update-ul catre Android 2.3?

Este disponibila versiunea Android Gingerbread 2.3.4. din 24 octombrie si prin Kies Romania. Am instalat-o azi si sunt multumit de rezultat.
Intrebare din: 01-07-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 9
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Cum resoftez un Samsung S5230?

Iti recomand sa mergi cu el in Orange Shop pentru a-l trimite in service pentru verificare. Doar in service mai poate fi reparat.
Intrebare din: 30-06-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Cum sterg aplicatii din HTC Desire?

Pentru dezinstalarea aplicatiilor trebuie sa intri in meniul telefonului in settings >> applications >> manage applications - unde selectezi ...
Intrebare din: 30-06-2011
Numar raspunsuri: 1
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Orange Romania 302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Ooooops, nu am găsit pagina pe care o cauți

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302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Orange Romania 302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

302 Found


The document has moved here.

Ooooops, nu am găsit pagina pe care o cauți

Este posibil ca aceasta să fi fost mutată în altă parte, ștearsă sau nu există. Poți căuta mai multe informații în secțiunea noastră de Help sau poți reîncepe căutarea din Homepage.

302 Found


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302 Found


The document has moved here.